Nicole Richie has announced that her footwear collection is set to debut in January 2010 at My-Wardrobe.com. So far out of the leaked photos of her collection I would say I like the grey cutout tribal patterned sandals the best, not so much fond of the rest but then again that’s my opinion lets just wait for the whole collection in January and then decide but honestly being the shoe junkie that I am, the rest of the collection or styles have no importance to me I would so very much just want a pair (doesn’t matter which 0ne) ☺ .
As you know Nicole Richie's style has been different in the past 4 years, she is all about bohemian, hippie, 60s/70s, even from the look of her shoe and accessory collection it's apparent that she has once again displayed and established her famously bohemian sensibilities, I 'm guessing her ex stylist/friend Rachel Zoe had something to do with it ;).